Yearly Horoscope 2017 Predictions: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Welcome to the 2017 horoscopes section for the 12 zodiac signs. Get to know about your future in right away. If you have any queries about the coming New Year 2017, clear them right here with these astrology predictions.

So one may ask how is 2017 going to be any different from 2016. Why do we even need to look at any of these zodiac signs predictions for 2017? That’s where you are wrong!

This horoscope 2017 will give you clear insight into how the coming year is going to turn out for each star sign. What may work for you might not work for your friend. By reading this detailed astrology 2017 forecast, one may be able to plan better what they want to do in life. That way you will be able to focus on the more important aspects of achieving your goals rather than moping about your failures.

And the best part about these 2017 horoscope predictions is that they are absolutely free. You don’t have to pay a penny for them. You can read them in the comfort of your home in privacy. You can also read about the corresponding 2017 Chinese Astrology Predictions and the Numerology Horoscopes 2017.

Next we come to what these astrology predictions for 2017 comprise of? These horoscopes give you a clear idea about how the coming year will turn out for the 12 star signs namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces zodiac signs. Be it your love life, or career or finance, get information about all aspect of your life.

What’s more you get answers to compatibility in 2017, travel, health and general well being. Some people even call it the “when will I get pregnant horoscope for 2017”! Now you understand how important it is for a person to analyze his or her zodiac signs 2017 before making important life turning decisions.

The benefits of the horoscope 2017 are that it helps you grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It helps you understand your desires and needs. It helps you understand what goals can be achieved and what cant. The astrological predictions for 2017 also help you deal with challenges and put on a brave front in times of adversity. It helps you to know that come what may, you will always be blessed by the Divine angels and supported at each step. This is also the best way to know which areas you might be weak in and need to improve.

Before we look at the horoscopes 2017 in detail for each sun sign, let’s take a look at the overview of zodiac 2017 for each sun sign. Let’s understand how the planetary positions in your natal chart can influence your mental peace. Also find out how the sun sign dates 2017 can make or break your future!

Aries 2017 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Aries horoscope 2017 shows that you will be more in control of your emotions than usual during this year. But don’t forget to use logic when it comes to making important decisions.

The 2017 Aries horoscope predicts that during this year you are bound to have an exciting time. New opportunities are bound to come your way which will lead to youexpending more energy than usual. If you take things the right way you will be able to get out of all of your adventures without more than a bruise or a scrape.

Unsure on what to do this year? The 2017 Aries astrology forecasts might be able to help you figure some things out. You are an Aries personality if you were born between March 21April 20.

Aries zodiac sign people are generally seen as being exciting and sociable people. They love to try new things and meet new people. Arians are strong-willed people who don’t let anyone keep them down. However, at times this can make them seem stubborn. Overall, people with Aries birthdays have more good qualities than bad which will help them out in the up and coming year of 2017.

Aries 2017 Horoscope

Aries Love Horoscope 2017

The 2017 horoscopespredict that this is a year for love for the Arians! If you already have a romantic partner then your Aries relationship is bound to become even better and more exciting! You are also likely to be more emotional than normal, which will make it easier for you to express your emotions to your partner.

The Aries men and Aries women will have an easier time talking to each other, and doing a little bit more than talking as well… Passion is on your side Aries, in 2017! TheAries sex and love life is bound to spice up one way or another. If you are not currently seeing someone, then this is the year that you will meet someone. Go out on a limb! Go to new places or try new things! This might also be a good year to get pregnant if you want to have a baby. Otherwise make sure to take necessary precautions.

The Aries 2017 horoscope foretells that when you go to more places it makes it all the more likely that you will meet someone who you click with. Go with your gut when it comes to old and new relationships. If something feels right then don’t hesitate to do it. The Aries star sign are also likely to meet many new people this year and make new friends and maybe even be ready for marriage. Your non-sexual passions are bound to bring you to some people who have the same interests. This is surely a year for new love and new friendships.

Aries Horoscope 2017 For Career

The 2017 Aries star sign predictions foretell that your life is bound to have many changes this year, and one of these changes might just be your career.

Aries, if you don’t like your job now, then 2017 might be the time to change. After all, what’s the point at working at a job that you hate? Why settle for the mundane business when you can work on your dreams and find a job that you really love?

Aries Horoscope 2017 For Finance

The 2017 forecast for Aries suggest that before you make any major changes you should make sure that your finances are in order. You don’t want to quit your job and then realize that you don’t have enough money to get by. Get rid of some of the things that you don’t need and save money. This can help the rams to fund time off to find a job that you really love. If you find the right job then you are bound to have a better year in 2017 than the ones before.

2017 Health Horoscope For The Ram

The 2017 yearly predictions for the Aries warn that if you don’t take one day at a time then it is bound to tire you out. While you may be slightly more tired during the day, you are more likely to get a better night’s sleep because of it. While your mind is likely to be more tired because of all the activity, your body will probably be more tired as well.

Make sure that you stretch before and after you exercise so that you can avoid pulled muscles and other injuries of the type. Aries, you are bound to have an exciting time in 2017. Just remember to take it in stride.

2017 Astrology Forecasts For Aries Birthdays

The astrology Aries 2017 foretells that, while you are likely to have an extremely exciting year full of change, you can still do things to keep your life somewhat stable.

Aries, your dynamic love life if sure to bring you joy, but make sure to keep a close eye on your bank account. In general, don’t be afraid to try new things and you should always make time for your friends. Take this year one day at a time and savor every one of them.

Aries Monthly Horoscopes

January 2017 is a month of success and progress for the Aries sun sign. Improving your contacts is the key to your prosperity.

February 2017 is a month of changes on the career and professional front. Your intuitive powers will improve.

March 2017 will be a month of impulsive decisions thanks to planet Mars. Be sure to go slow.

April 2017 Aries predictions forecast a sudden promotion and rise in salary.

May 2017 is a month to be spent with family and home for the Arians.

June 2017 is a socially active month. You can plan that perfect vacation with your lover.

July 2017 is a peaceful month for the Aries. There could be some extra spending.

August 2017 will be filled with fun and activity. Your love life will be wonderful and so will your profession.

September 2017 will see the Aries struggling to balance work and personal life. Don’t let the Mercury retrograde of 2017 spoil your relations.

October 2017 will be filled with new things to do. Be sure to solve all issues and misunderstandings.

November 2017 is a good time to go on a family holiday as you need to sort out certain things in your life.

December 2017 for Aries will be good for career as the 10th house is strong.

Overall the Aries horoscope 2017 predicts a year of changes and positivity.

Taurus 2017 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The 2017 Taurus horoscope predicts that in general, you are bound to have more energy than usual. This may feel strange and you may not know what to do with it. No matter what you do, don’t waste this energy! It won’t last forever so use it when you can.

Zodiac 2017 predictions  for Taurus zodiac sign suggest this is the right year to impress your boss or friends. Work on your relationships or hobbies. In general, have a good time, try new things, and don’t be afraid to plan for the future while to still have the energy to do it.

Do you ever wonder where the year 2017 is going to take you? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will outline everything that a Taurus star sign person needs to know when it comes to preparing for 2017. There will be a lot of changes in this year, but any independent Bull should be able to handle it.

You are a Taurus birthday if you were born between April 20th to May 20th. Taurus in 2017 tend to be very down-to-earth and patient with others. They make great friends because of these traits. They are also dependable, but also independent.

The Taurus horoscope 2017 predictions also foretells that they are persistent when they are going after a goal. Nothing can stop them when they really want something. They hold what they have close to them. Some might see this as being materialistic, but Taurus sun sign sees this as just being careful with what they own.

taurus horoscope 2017

Taurus Love Horoscope 2017

The Taurus love horoscope 2017 forecasts that if you are looking for love then this is your lucky year! Love will dominate much of your time in 2017. If you are already in a relationship then it is likely that things are going to get even more serious sexually this year. You may reach a new stage in your relationship or try something new with your partner. The 2017 pregnancy horoscope shows that this is a good year to get pregnant.

If you are a Taurus personality you need to express your feelings more if you want to have a successful relationship. By sharing your feelings together you can gain an even stronger bond. If you are not currently in a romantic relationship, then this could be the right time to find one.

The Taurus star sign 2017 predictions suggest that you should go to places that interest you. By doing this you will be more likely to meet someone who shares your passions. If you want to make friends, then do the opposite and step out of your comfort zone to meet new people who can show you new and interesting things. Who knows? You might even gain a new hobby because of it.

Taurus Horoscope 2017 For Career

Taurus horoscope 2017 career forecasts warn that work life might become a little complicated this year. Sometimes you just feel like you are right and that your boss is wrong. If you don’t want to cause trouble then you need to find a way to tell your superiors how you feel without insulting them in the process. In general, this year you should work on your professional relationships, especially if you want to succeed. Taurus, you need to find a way to present yourself for a better life.

Taurus Horoscope 2017 For Finance

The 2017 Taurus astrology advises you to make yourself an important asset. You won’t regret it. In other financial news, you should try to spend more on security and less on frivolous things. While this may sound boring, it will make you feel more content in the long-run.

2017 Health Horoscope For The Bull

The Taurus 2017 horoscope warns your diet will dictate your health for this year. If you eat well, then you are likely to be full of energy and ready to take on any task that might come to you.

However, if you are a Taurus man or Taurus womanwho eats poorly then you are more likely to feel tired during the day and be more likely to fall ill. At the end of 2017, you are likely to be more tired no matter what diet you take. But this is only because of all of the things that you will be doing during the year.

2017 Astrology Forecasts For Taurus Birthdays

The Taurus in 2017 is bound to have more energy than they usually have. This will give them the energy to get them through the ever-changing days. Luckily, 2017 for Taurus is a year for good attitudes for the average Taurean. Changes are to be expected during this year. The best thing to do is to just go with the flow of things. Keep aiming for your goals, but make sure that they do not set you back in other aspects of your life.

Taurus Monthly Horoscopes

January 2017 will be a busy month for the Taureans on the career front. And do not neglect that leg pain.

February 2017 shows that you need to understand your spouse better. Stop being a rebellious person.

March 2017 shows that planetary retrogrades might affect your emotional health. This is the right time to sit back and plan.

April 2017 will bring some misunderstandings in Taurus compatibility relationships.Meditation and yoga can give you relief from health problems.

May 2017 brings prosperity and abundance. Weight loss issues will plague you this month.

June 2017 shows increase in expenses. Try to understand your lover better.

July 2017 shows a slowdown on the career front. Improve your health by Chakra healing and understanding your body Chi Constitution.

August 2017 is a month when emotions run high for the Bulls. The Taurus 2017 yearly horoscope predicts that this is a month when you might opt for divorce without a second thought. This might also be due to the 2017 Mercury retrograde.

September 2017 makes you a mediator with family and friends. Following a healthy diet will help you overcome stress and tension.

October 2017 is a time when you take care of your heart. Also financial decisions need to be thought over.

November 2017 shows problems in the 7th house. So relationships might be strained.

December 2017 is a good month to keep your eyes open for new business opportunities.

The 2017 horoscope for Taurus zodiac sign forecasts a year of social networking and planning for the future.

Gemini 2017 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The 2017 Gemini horoscope predicts that there will be slow changes during this year, which will make it easy for you to keep up with. Try to reduce your stress levels as much as possible. This will help to keep your mental health in peak health just like your physical body. Try to be as optimistic as possible during this year.

The more cheerfully that you think about the future, the more likely that you are going to have a good time. The 2017 forecast for Gemini asks you to use your free time to advance as a person as well. While you can focus on work all year, you can also use your time to do the things that you love instead. Your year 2017 depends on your actions, so make the most of it!

Life can be complicated at times. What will happen in the upcoming year? It can be hard to guess, but with this 2017 horoscope for Gemini zodiac sign you can be more confident in your future.

You are a Gemini if you were born between May 21st to June 21st. (Read about Gemini birthdays). Many people tend to see the Gemini as a salty sign with not much to offer. But if they looked closer they would see all the great Gemini personality traits. If you didn’t already know, Gemini tends to be a highly intelligent sign. If you have a question, don’t be afraid to ask a Gemini man or Gemini woman.

While Gemini star sign sometimes has trouble making friends, they are great friends once they do get one. They are shy around strangers, but they are well spoken and funny around friends. They may not be the most consistent astrological sign, but this is how you know that there is never a dull moment with a Twin.

gemini horoscope 2017

Gemini Love Horoscope 2017

The Gemini love horoscope 2017 says expect to see a boost in your relationships, both romantic and friendly. This is an especially good time for love if you are not currently in a romantic relationship. Don’t look at friends for romance. Your new love is more likely to be with someone new than someone you already know. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. The more new places that you go to, the more likely you are to meet someone new in 2017.

The Gemini star sign 2017 predictions also foretell that once you find the one for you, it might even seem like an instant attraction. You are likely to have a new, exciting and sexually passionate relationship. This is a time for new and exciting things, not the routine. This leads to what will happen if you are already in a relationship. Expect the unexpected! Maybe even a baby or news about pregnancy!

Gemini, new spice will come into your relationships this year. You may be very nervousabout all of these relationship changes, but they are all for the best. You are also likely to meet new people this year who will make great friends in future years.

Gemini Horoscope 2017 For Career

As financially the Gemini star sign people will be stable in 2017, this can help to take a lot of stress off of your mind. This will give you more mental energy to focus on the things that you love. Just as well, your work life is bound to be less stressful as well.

Work might seem slow for the Gemini sun sign in 2017. But this means that it will be easier on you as well. The horoscope 2017 for Gemini foretells that you can work on things that will help you to advance in your career in your spare time. This will make you seem more important at work, leading to success in future years.

Gemini Horoscope 2017 For Finance

The 2017 horoscope predicts that the Gemini zodiac people will be careful with money in the coming year. All financial decisions will be taken after a lot of thought. You will re-plan your wealth management and invest where you are sure of a profit.

In previous years, you may have felt like your bank account records were all over the place. Luckily, the Gemini 2017 career forecasts suggest that this year finances are more likely to stay relatively stable.

2017 Health Horoscope For The Twins

The Gemini 2017 predictions suggest that your physical health will be at its peak in 2017! Your body will be like a finely tuned machine. It’s highly unlikely that you will suffer from more than a common cold during this year. You should use your healthier body to make yourself even better. Since you are healthier you are bound to get more sleep and have more energy because of it. Good health doesn’t last forever, so cherish it while it lasts. One downside to your health this year is your mental health.

2017 Astrology Forecasts For Gemini Birthdays

The 2017 Gemini astrology predictions ask you to use your excessive energy to exercise and prepare your body for future years. Try not to let the little things bog you down too much during this year. Work and friends might stress you out at times, but don’t look too deep into it. Gemini, stay optimistic at all possible times in  2017.

Gemini Monthly Horoscopes

January 2017 is a favorable month for the Geminis.Clean your house and mind so that you can start the year on a fresh note.

February 2017 is a busy month for the Twins. Learn to delegate work at your job so that you get less stressed.

March 2017 shows miscommunication with family. Romance in marriages will improve.

April 2017 shows your inclination for online dating and trying your hand at a new Internet business.

May 2017 is when you will try to evolve. This might just mean a makeover or a new identity.

June 2017 shows problems in Gemini relationships. But pregnancy related news will be positive.

July 2017 yearly predictions shows that your professional woes will come to an end. Enhance your health by using these health benefits.

August 2017 Mercury retrograde in 2017 will have a negative effect on your family relationships. So be prepared to fight it out!

September 2017 is a good month to give up your drinking addiction and other substance abuse.

October 2017 might be the right time to become serious about your lover. The 2017 yearly Gemini horoscopes also ask you not to forget to enjoy life.

November 2017 is a month when nothing might work out in your favor. But in fact it is helping you become stronger.

December 2017 shows what you want from your job. You might be tempted to lose weight by wrong means.

Overall the Gemini horoscope 2017 predicts that this will be a stress free and peaceful year.

Cancer 2017 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Cancer horoscope 2017 predicts that things are going to be moving quickly this year. So try to take things in stride. Don’t try to do more than you know you can handle.

Make sure to think before you act, not doing so could easily cause problems. The Cancer man in love can use their romantic feelings to make relationship better. In general, just use your bursts of energy productively and try to have a good year.

Life can be confusing at times, but things can be a little easier when you know what to expect. With this 2017 yearly horoscope for Cancer you can be a little more sure of what your year will bring.

You have a Cancer birthday if you were born between June 22nd to July 22nd. People born during this time usually have similar personality traits, which can make them stand out as a Cancerian. These traits can either help or hurt this star sign during this time.

For example, Cancer zodiac sign tend to be spontaneous and creative when it comes to doing the things that they love. When it comes to friends they are highly loving and protective. At times this sun sign can be emotional and they can have negative mood swings as well. Overall, the Cancer person’s traits can help them during this year if they play to their strengths. The Cancer 2017 predictions below will give you a detailed idea.

cancer horoscope 2017

Cancer Love Horoscope 2017

The 2017 Cancer horoscope predictionssuggest that with your sudden burst of mental and physical energy you will also find yourself to have a heightened romantic energy. If you are aCrab already in a romantic relationship, then prepare for the best! The Cancer compatibility in relationships is about to get a lot more passionate, sexy, hot, and even more loving than before! It may seem like things are going quickly like getting pregnant, don’t worry about it. You are bound to have a good time with your partner if you just go with the flow.

If you do not already have a romantic partner, then theCancer 2017 astrology forecasts predict that you are nearly destined to find one! With your new found romantic feelings you are more likely to make a move or accept more dates than you have before. This could lead to something wonderful. Don’t be afraid to try something or someone new.

The Cancer man or Cancer woman in 2017 will tend to be social. If you want to make new friends, then try to go to new places or places that you are passionate about. Cancer, you are likely to meet new people at these places in 2017, and maybe even some with the same interests that you have.

Cancer Horoscope 2017 For Career

The Cancer 2017 career prediction suggests that this year it may seem like your work and business is your whole life. Things are likely to move at a faster pace than usual, at least at the beginning of the year. Luckily, since you are full of energy you should be able to handle all these new changes. Use this new energy to work on your current projects. The 2017 Mercury retrogrades periods might not be the time to challenge a superior, or else they may not take it very well.

Cancer Horoscope 2017 For Finance

2017 for Cancer star sign is also a good time to invest. With your extra energy you may also work more, and earn more money because of it. You may be taking in a lot of money, but don’t work so much that it leads to stress.

2017 Health Horoscope For The Crab

The 2017 Cancer horoscopes foretell that while your mind is healthy you should do your best to make your body healthy as well. Exercise more with your new found energy. Here are a few Cancer fitness tips. If you do not exercise or use up your energy in another productive way then you may find yourself sitting around and letting your body become lethargic.

2017 Astrology Forecasts For Cancer Birthdays

The Cancer in 2017 are bound to be in a good mood for most of the time. This mood burst will be a mood swing, but a positive one! This happy mood swing will also be accompanied by a somewhat sudden burst of energy. Now that you have all of this energy make sure that you use it to your advantage.

Cancer Monthly Horoscopes

January 2017 shows that you need to be adaptable and be open to the changes happening in your life.

February 2017 sees you earning money. As this is a slow month, do not opt for short-cuts in life.

March 2017 gives an excellent boost to the Cancer sun sign’s profession. Mental health will need some care.

April 2017 has your health being delicate. Daily walks and meditation will prove to be beneficial.

May 2017 is a month when you need to make your Karma right and correct your previous mistakes.

June 2017 is a month of changes. Maybe you will have a fashion makeover or change your hairstyle.

July 2017 shows that you need to think before making any kind of long term commitments like marriage or a business deal.

August 2017 will bring opportunities for love. Earnings and spending will be at an all time high for the crabs.

September 2017 is an excellent month for starting new businesses and expanding your family.

October 2017 shows that you might have some problems related to shoulder pain or intestines.

November 2017 is a good month to spend some time in peace and understand more about your inner self.

December 2017 shows a strong 6th house which in turn talks about a better social life and a loving partner.

The Cancer 2017 horoscope predicts frequent changes in moods but you are blessed with the right amount of energy to overcome all problems.


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