Sapphire Healing Properties and Meanings

The stone of wisdom, prophecy, and royalty, Sapphire can bring protection, spiritual

Blue Sapphire Meaninginsight and good fortune. Sapphires have been treasured and used for thousands of years. If you need to calm and focus your mind, this stone will be perfect for you. Blue sapphire is also a stone of love and commitment, making it a perfect gemstone for an engagement ring. Sapphire is also known for its ability to help with curing insomnia. If you are easily swayed by others, wear or carry Sapphire to become more secure in your own opinions and knowledge and to have an easier time expressing your thoughts.

Blue Sapphire Meaning & Healing Properties

King Solomon and Abraham both wore talismans of Sapphire, and some say that the laws given to Moses were engraved on tablets of Sapphire. This stone is mentioned in Revelation as one of the 12 foundation stones John saw in New Jerusalem. Worn by many in history from all types of religions to bring good fortune and help keep them on their spiritual paths.

If you need to enhance your focus or gain more self discipline, you should wear or carry a Sapphire daily. Also known as a stone of wisdom, Sapphire will help stimulate your mind, Blue Sapphire Meaningand assist you in finding the truth. If you find that you often shut down emotionally or have trouble communicating effectively, you will greatly benefit from the healing powers of Sapphire. You can also use this stone to cure depression and inferiority complexes.

Along with all its amazing spiritual and emotional powers, Sapphire is also used to heal physical ailments. This stone has been used for thousands of years to help with eye infections and improve eyesight. Sapphire is also excellent for headaches, nosebleeds, fever, thyroid problems, dementia, and all types of ear problems. You can also place a Sapphire stone under your pillow to help with insomnia.

Star Sapphire Healing Properties

Star Sapphires are created when cut en cabochon (shaped and polished as opposed to Star Sapphire Healing Propertiesfaceted), and light is reflected in the stone as a six-rayed or twelve-rayed star. This effect increases the rarity and value of a Sapphire. These stones have the same healing properties as the gemstone or raw stone, but have much more energy. A Star Sapphire also carries greater protection from harm. These stones are perfect for those who wish to succeed in business without compromising their integrity.

Sapphire Birthstone Meaning

Everyone knows that those born in September are perfectionists and pay great attention to detail, but sometimes have difficulty with communication. Those born in SeptemberSapphire Birthstone Meaning are often full of wisdom, which makes the “wisdom stone,” Sapphire, a perfect fit. Wearing Sapphire helps those with communication problems to express themselves more freely. Sapphires are believed to bring good fortune, spiritual insight and protection, and were worn by medieval clergy to symbolize heaven. Wearing Sapphire in a necklace will help improve your communication, because it will sit close to your Throat Chakra.

Sapphire for Healing the Chakras

When you use Sapphire to open the Throat Chakra, you will be able to communicate effectively and better express your thoughts and feelings. If this Chakra is blocked, it can negatively affect all of the other chakras. Sapphire is also an excellent stone to use with the Third Eye Chakra. Heal this chakra to keep your thoughts healthy and vibrant. Using Sapphire with the Third Eye Chakra will enhance your perception and everyday awareness of the world.


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