January Birthsone | GarnetFor babies born in January, the garnet is the perfect gem to represent their birthstone. This beautiful stone, which is most commonly red but can be found in a range of other colors, symbolizes peace, prosperity and good health. Some say it even has the power to give the wearer eternal happiness, health and wealth.

We say it’s the perfect way to start each year! Learn more about the January birthstone, garnet:



Garnet Overview

NEI Group Garnet Ring

The word “garnet” comes from the 14th Century Middle English word “garnet” meaning dark red. The word is derived from Latin “granatum” which means seed and is called so because of the gemstone’s resemblance to the beautifully red seeds of the pomegranate.

Garnet is actually the name of a group of minerals that comes in a rainbow of colors, from the deep red of the Pyrope garnet to the vibrant green of Tsavorites. Some rare garnets are even blue, colorless, or—most rare of all—change colors in different lights. But the most common color is a beautiful range of reds, from rust colored to deep violet-red.

The garnet is a very durable gemstone (6.5-7.5 on the Mohs scale) found all over the world, including Wyoming, Czech Republic, Greece, Russian, Tanzania, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and India.

The folklore on garnet is extensive. Legend has it that the garnet can bring peace, prosperity and good health to the home. Some even called it the “Gem of Faith,” and it’s believed that to those who wear it and do good, more good will come. (Conversely, it was also said to bring very bad fortune to those who commit bad acts while wearing it.)

The garnet also symbolized deep and lasting friendship. With that legend in mind, give a garnet to someone whose friendship you deeply value.

No matter why or how you wear garnet, this beautiful gemstone is perfect for those who share January birthdays and get to start each New Year with a sense of goodwill, happiness, and purpose.

Garnet History

The garnet is so durable, remnants of garnet jewelry can be found as far back as the Bronze Age. Other references go back to 3100 BC when the Egyptians used garnet as inlays in their jewelry and carvings. The Egyptians even said it was the symbol of life. The garnet was very popular with the Romans in the 3rd and 4th Century.

This gemstone was also used as a talisman for protection both by warriors going into battle and to those who wanted to ward off pestilence and plague. Some ancient healers and wise men even placed garnets in wounds and praised its healing powers.

Garnet jewelry has been a fixture throughout the ages. Garnets were often used as signet rings in ancient Rome, and the nobility favored garnets in the Middle Ages.

The Victorians made garnets very popular during that time period. Some of the loveliest garnet jewelry from that era mimics its pomegranate namesake, with clusters of tiny red gems forming a larger statement piece.

Today, the garnet can be found in a range of jewelry pieces and styles, from beautiful rings to stunning tiaras. Since the garnet can come in a range of colors, rare garnets in green or blue make breathtaking pieces, especially in pendants or drop earrings.

Carnations Represent The Month Of January

January birth month CarnationsCarnations have been very popular flowers in bouquets for centuries and date back as far as the Greek and Roman Times. It has been given the place of honor as being the January birth flower to represent the first month of the year brings with it its beauty and distinction.

The Meaning, Significance, and Symbolism

As one of the world’s oldest cultivated flowers, it is also said to have first grown when Mary, the mother of Jesus, wept as her son hung on the cross. The Latin origin of the word carnation is “incarnacyon” (incarnation) or “carnis” (flesh) fits in with this for its meaning of God made flesh. You only have to look at the rough translation of the scientific name, being “flower of the gods” or “flowers of love” to understand why this flower remains so popular today. It has a beautiful scent and blooms for a long period of time too.  In Greek and Roman times the carnation was used in décor and art and has adorned many a flower bouquet throughout the years. Symbolically, in 1908 a white carnation was handed out at the first Mother’s Day service as a symbol of the strength and purity that goes with motherhood. The original color of the carnation is believed to have been pink or peach but as we know today, they come in an array of colors. Although the general meaning of the carnation includes love and fascination what sets this beautiful flower apart is the symbolic meaning specific to each color.

January birth month Carnations

Symbolic Meaning Of Colors

The pink carnation as we know it signifies a mother’s love while the red one suggests love and affection for deep red or friendship and admiration for the lighter shades of red. A white carnation is often used at weddings as a symbol of faithfulness, innocence, amorous love and pure love while, at other times, it may be given as a symbol of good luck or gratitude. For St. Patrick’s Day a white carnation is often worn together with a dyed green carnation. Some of the other colors also have symbolism attached to them that are not as well known as the more prominent colors. One of them is the yellow carnation which symbolically means rejection or is given as a sign of disappointment. Another is the beautiful hybrid or stripped carnation that comes in an assortment of colors with the most common being white with pink stripes on the edges of the petals. It is hard to believe that such an attractive flower can symbolize refusal.

Source: https://www.americangemsociety.org/page/januarybirthstone

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