Yearly Horoscope 2018 Predictions: Leo, Virgo, Libra, And Scorpio

Welcome to the 2018 horoscopes from SunSigns.Org. Get free astrology predictions for the coming year for the 12 zodiac signs. The 2018 astrology predictions foretell about your health, wealth, love relationships, finance, and career. And more importantly, they serve as a guideline for you to make the right decisions in life.

Leo 2018 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Leo horoscope 2018 predicts that this year you might need to step outside of your comfort zone in order to advance. The Leo personality might need to change a little to adapt to the circumstances that will come your way in 2018. This could help to build your character and give you an even deeper and more complex personality. Do not let changes get you.

Are you confident about what the future holds? If so, then you might be a Leo zodiac sign – a brave sign with an ambitious nature. However, you are definitely a Leo if you were born on July 23rd – August 22nd. Vitality, full of energy, and attention-seeking are all traits that most Leo people share. Leos are also charismatic and romantic; they make great friends and lovers. All of these traits can help and hurt Leos in the upcoming year. Let’s look at how this is possible with the 2018 astrology predictions.

leo horoscope 2018

Leo Love Horoscope 2018

The 2018 predictions for the Leo sun sign forecast that your love life will be all over the place, to say the least. Whether you are already in a relationship or not, your love life is likely to be dynamic. You will have your ups and downs, but for the most part, it should be great! “Passion” might as well be your middle name this year. Make sure that you share your feelings with your partner this year and listen to their feelings as well. Communication is important in a relationship, no matter what year it is. Read about Leo sexuality. Expect changes in your love life and general social life this year. Your actions will impact whether it is good or bad changes that happen.

Leo 2018 horoscope asks you to make sure that you stay in contact with your friends and family this year in 2018. They will be your rock to stand on. They will be able to help you with a lot this year, and just generally bring you joy. Like with your partners, make sure that you listen to your friends and family to understand them better. Read about parent-child compatibility.

Leo 2018 horoscope asks you to make sure that you stay in contact with your friends and family this year in 2018. They will be your rock to stand on. They will be able to help you with a lot this year, and just generally bring you joy. Like with your partners, make sure that you listen to your friends and family to understand them better. Read about parent-child compatibility.

Leo Horoscope 2018 For Finance

The 2018 forecasts for Leo finance predict that even though your work might be crazy, your pay should remain relatively constant. You will have enough extra money to pay off your debts if you are a Lion who is able to organize your budget well. This might be the time to invest as well. Try not to splurge much if you can help it. Save for the future and spend a little on the present. Do not deny yourself the happiness of your hard work.

2018 Health Horoscope For The Lion

The Leo 2018 horoscope warns you to make sure that you focus on your health this year, as you could easily become ill if you do not. Exercise regularly and try to have a balanced diet. However, try not to push your limits too much. Pace yourself. Try to reduce your stress levels as well. Taking up meditation may help with this. Try eating organically and using other green things to improve your health and life in general.

2018 Astrology Forecasts For Leo Birthdays

2018 for Leo will seem to move quickly, and it might be hard to keep up at times. However, if you pace yourself you should be able to survive the year with energy to spare. While the year might be hard at first, it will get easier as it goes. If you do well this year it is sure to pay off in the long-run. Enjoy the year when you can and always make some time to relax and have a good time. Get your Chinese horoscope 2018.

Leo Monthly Horoscopes

January 2018 for the Leos will be an exciting month but be sure to take a holiday to re-energize yourself. Your life will be full of divine pleasures.

February 2018 is an excellent month for the Lions to plan for a child. This is a good time to get pregnant.

March 2018 asks you to change your outlook towards life and look at issues with a positive perspective. This is the only way to move forward.

April 2018 is a period of good fortune and prosperity with a strong 9th house. Luck will smile on all your dealings.

May 2018 will see the Leos prosper in their career and business. But your health needs extra care. Try these natural home remedies for quick relief.

June 2018 is a month of success and achievable goals. But this might take a toll on your emotional health. You need to get stronger mentally.

July 2018 is a spiritual month when your 12th house will make you philosophical and seek answers. Just do not become too inquisitive.

August 2018 is a month of 2018 Mercury retrograde. All important decisions should be postponed to the next month. Do not make haste in any new venture.

September 2018 shows that Leos need to be more communicative and improve their compatibility with their siblings. Relations with children will improve.

October 2018 will see the Leos with scattered mind and be indulging in many activities. Mars in Leo can create havoc with your health. Natural healing can be beneficial.

November 2018 will see you spend more time with family and friends as your 4th house is dominant. This is a month to be spent with your loved ones.

December 2018 is a period of improvement and changes in your current status in life. Change is what will keep you going ahead in life.

The Leo horoscope 2018 forecasts a year of frenzy and activity which will keep you on the run all the time. But try to relax when time permits.

Virgo 2018 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Virgo 2018 horoscope predicts that from the beginning to the end of the year you are likely to be very busy. As Virgos are usually busy, this may not seem like much to you, but it will affect the course of your year. Life may be hectic but do not forget to have a good time.

Do you do everything that you can to be prepared for the future? If you do, then you might be a Virgo personality. You definitely are a Virgo if you were born between August 23rd to September 22nd. There are many unique traits that set Virgo star sign apart from the rest of the crowd. Virgos are very analytical people; they pay close attention to detail – some might call them perfectionists. They also make very caring friends and family members. They love to do whatever is right and helpful. These traits can help Virgos in 2018; let’s see how!

virgo horoscope 2018

Virgo Love Horoscope 2018

The 2018 astrology predictions for Virgo foretell that this is a year for advancements within your social circle. If you are currently single and want to be in a relationship, then you can look to your friends. Your relationships are moving forward and to the next level.

Friendships for the Virgo zodiac sign can become romances and romances could become engagements or even marriages. Take this Kundali matching test for marriage. While you may have some rough patches in your relationships especially when it comes to sex, it’s nothing that you can’t smooth out with your partner. Read about Virgo sex traits.

Make sure that you tell your partner your needs and listen to their needs as well. Romance will bloom this year, you just need to find it. This is also a good year for the Virgo star sign to plan for a pregnancy in 2018. While you are trying to balance your personal life, your family life might get a little hectic. Making time for your family and loved ones are important in 2018.

The 2018 Virgo love horoscopes ask you to do your best to calm the waters at home, but don’t let it affect your work life. Be firm with your children to get them to listen to you, but try not to get too angry with them for the small things. This could also be a year for talking about having a child /more children.

Virgo Horoscope 2018 For Career

The Virgo horoscope 2018 forecasts that this year work should go by pretty easily. You are likely to have or get a higher work position where more responsibility will be on you, but at the same time, you will need to depend on others to get your job done. This is probably a little unnerving for you since most Virgos like to be in control.

Virgo, you will need to work on your communication skills in order to get messages to your employees better. Always keep moving and working on advancing and your work life will be nearly perfect.

Virgo Horoscope 2018 For Finance

The Virgo 2018 predictions ask you to spend your money on things that you need this year and work on saving for the future. You may feel inclined to spend more money on security measures. Do not buy impulsively. You will feel bad about it later. On the other hand, the 2018 zodiac predictions suggest that spending money on the people that you love will make you feel better. But keep your budget in mind before doing that.

2018 Health Horoscope For The Virgin

The 2018 Virgo horoscope predicts that your mind will feel sharper than usual and your body will seem more energized. You will finish old projects and begin new ones this year as well. You don’t need a reminder to work out, but you do need to remember to relax. Your stress levels will need managing, so try some yoga or meditation. Always take some time for yourself, and remember to stay optimistic about what the year will hold. Eating gingerjaggery, and apples on a daily basis will prove to be beneficial.

2018 Astrology Forecasts For Virgo Birthdays

2018 for Virgo will seem like the world has been handed to you on a silver platter. Things will come easily to you. You will have an easier time advancing in whatever you try. Focus on your work during work hours and spend time with your friends and family when you have free time. Your family is likely to be the thing that brings you the most joy in 2018, so don’t waste a minute without them!

Virgo Monthly Horoscopes

January 2018 is a period of happiness and social interaction for the Virgins. Health and love life will be filled with positivity. You will be very happy in life.

February 2018 is a month of dream opportunities on your professional front. Your relations with your colleagues hold the key to your success.

March 2018 is a period when you should detox your mind, body, and soul. Virgo sexuality will be at its peak this month. This might be a good time to get pregnant.

April 2018 may find the Virgo personality down psychologically. Depression ailments will need to be dealt with during the 2018 Mercury retrograde. You need to take care of your mental health.

May 2018 asks you to clear your mind and home of unwanted possessions. Feng Shui can help you de-clutter your house.

June 2018 will be a fast and happening month for the Virgo star sign. Expect changes in career and relationships. Singles will have a great time.

July 2018 shows that compatibility in marriage will be tested. Some drama in your job and business can be seen. But do not lose your cool over minor issues.

August 2018 will be a blissful month with changes, new beginnings, and closure of old issues. This is the right time to move on.

September 2018 will be a month when the Virgins will be blessed with excellent energy levels. Use this energy in a constructive way.

October 2018 is a harmonious period when you will be interested in multiple things. But do not get distracted by too many things.

November 2018 can be a confusing month. So it is better not to take any important decisions this month. Leave it for the future.

December 2018 asks the Virgins to be extra careful as you can expect conflicts in personal and professional life. But this too shall pass.

Virgo horoscope 2018 predictions forecast a busy year for the Virgins in both the personal and professional sphere. Do not let your profession spoil your personal life.

Libra 2018 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Libra horoscope 2018 predicts that this is a year to focus on yourself and what makes you happy. In past years you may have felt like you were too busy to keep up with your hobbies and stick to the plans that you had made with friends, but this year in 2018 you will have more times to do things like this. Do try to spare some time for your personal wellbeing.

Were you born between September 23rd and October 22nd? If you were, then you’re a Libra! This also means that you’re probably both nervous and excited about what the future might hold. Libra zodiac sign has many traits that set Librans apart from the crowd. They are fun-loving people; they are also highly sociable which makes them a magnet for new friends. Even though they like people, they tend not to like large crowds.

One dominant Libra personality trait is that they strive for balance in all parts of their life. They are as fair as possible to others and will act as peacemakers for friends if they need to. They believe in fairness and equality. All of these traits will help to make or break the Libra in 2018.

Libra Horoscope 2018

Libra Love Horoscope 2018

The Libra 2018 horoscope foretells that this year your love life is bound to advance one way or another. This year you are likely to have more time to spend with your partner. Make sure to communicate with them well so that you can get a better understanding of what they are looking for in your relationship. Also, make sure that you tell them what you need as well.

Libra, communication is the key to the success of any relationship. Once all of the talking is done with, your relationship is bound to be more sexually passionate than usual. Use what you have learned in the past in your relationship to make it more romantic and sentimental. You can also discuss the issue of pregnancy this year.

Letting your partner knows that you care about the past will make your relationship better in the future. This can also help for Libra star sign people who have broken up and want to get back together.

When it comes to family and friends, Libra, you need to be yourself. While it may cause problems at times in 2018, you will be able to tell who your real friends are. Your family will appreciate it as well. Stand up for yourself and be your true self. Read about Libra compatibility.

Libra Horoscope 2018 For Career

The 2018 astrology forecasts for Libra foretell that while you are having a fun time outside of work, while you are at work you will need to focus more. If you want to get ahead you will need to work harder than ever. You can think creatively about your work or in your business; this will show that you can think outside of the box. This will help to show that you are an important individual in your company or group. You may get frustrated at times, but this is natural since you are doing so much hard work.

Libra Horoscope 2018 For Finance

The 2018 horoscope for Libra predicts that luckily, all your hard work is bound to pay off in the end. You are likely to be lucky when it comes to controlling your budget. Keeping track of your finances will be easier this year in general. Once you pay for the necessities, feel free to spend some money on having a good time. Having a budget in hand is necessary to avoid unwanted spending.

2018 Health Horoscope For The Balance

The Libra 2018 predictions forecast that you will feel full of energy than normal. At times, you may get a little tired, but it’s nothing that a little rest won’t fix. Overall, watch your diet and make sure to exercise and you should be able to stay relatively healthy. Or else stress can take a toll on your health. Here are a few exercise tips for Libra zodiac.

2018 Astrology Forecasts For Libra Birthdays

2018 for Libra will go by easily when you are off work. Use your time at work to get ahead in your career, and use the rest of your time to have a good time with your friends and family. This is the year to celebrate yourself and all of your accomplishments. Things may get hard at times, but overall the year should go by easier. Enjoy this year for all that it is worth!

Libra Monthly Horoscopes

January 2018 for the Librans will be filled with tension and anxiety. Learn to solve issues at hand without worrying too much. Live a care-free life.

February 2018 will see your love life soar to the skies. The zodiac compatibility with your spouse will be excellent this month. Singles might even find their true soul mates.

March 2018 will be a period of extremes. Romance and passion will be at an all-time high but at the same time, you need to keep track of your risk of heart attack. Regular exercise and good food can keep you healthy.

April 2018 is a month to party and be the star on the social circuit. This might also strain your finances a bit. But you need to keep the hold over your purse strings.

May 2018 sees a strong 8th house which will lead to you being at the forefront once again. You are a true warrior.

June 2018 is a month to watch your health and career. Friendship compatibility for the Libra star sign will be tested this month. You will know who is your true well-wishers.

July 2018 is a period when your intuition will come into play. You might also become religious and start believing in the Supreme power. Meditation will help you remain calm.

August 2018 shows a change in your attitude towards love and life when the Mercury Retrograde 2018 comes into play. Relationships need to be given a second look.

September 2018 is a positive period for the Libra zodiac sign. This is the right time to change your looks and go for a wardrobe makeover. This change will do you a lot of good.

October 2018 will be a prosperous month in terms of both finance and relationships. Overall, you will be positive and happy.

November 2018 will see a rise in your finances, relationships and inner harmony. Mentally, you will be at peace with yourself.

December 2018 will be a month of nostalgia and memorable experiences. Finish this year on a positive note.

The 2018 Libra horoscope forecasts that there will be tough times in 2018, but learn to enjoy the present moment. And make time for some personal enjoyment in 2018.

Scorpio 2018 Horoscope: An Overview – A Look at the Year Ahead

The Scorpio 2018 horoscope predicts that this year is almost bound to be more peaceful than the ones before. You have been working hard recently, and now it’s time for a little break or at least a lesser workload. Be true to yourself this year and do the things that make you happy instead of trying to impress others. Scorpio, changes are about to come your way, and it’s up to you how you take them in 2018. Do not be scared of new beginnings.

You are a Scorpio zodiac sign if you were born between October 23rd to November 22nd. Scorpio people tend to be determined and straightforward with what they want out of life, and out of the year. This could be one of the reasons why they would want to look at their 2018 horoscope predictions – to know what the future is supposed to bring and how to work with all of life’s twists and turns.

While the Scorpio personality is straightforward, they are also passionate partners and caring friends. They are great at their job and when it comes to their social life as well. Scorpios strive to be successful, and if they make all of the right choices then they are sure to be just that in 2018!

Scorpio Horoscope 2018

Scorpio Love Horoscope 2018

The Scorpio 2018 love horoscope forecasts that this year your love life will be highly dynamic. Your choices directly determine how well or bad your relationship goes this year. Your emotions are bound to be heightened, so use them well. Make sure that you talk to your partner about what you want out of your relationship. This should be easy for you since Scorpios are usually pretty direct people. The Scorpio sexuality will be at an all-time high and pregnancy is high on the cards.

Scorpio, if you repress your feelings then your relationship may not go well. However, if you are true to your feelings then the Scorpio compatibility may get even more passionate than it was in past years. Your choices also will affect your relationship with your friends and family in 2018. Try not to be too harsh on them. But don’t be afraid to tell them when they do something that offends you. Be true to your feelings and don’t let anyone walk all over you in 2018.

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Career

Scorpio, in past years, you may have played it safe at work to get ahead, but it is likely that this has made your career rather boring. The 2018 Scorpio horoscope for career suggests that although it may be stressful at the time, try to do something new! Bosses value creative thinkers. And you have an innovative mind.

There are millions of workers that don’t bother trying to think outside of the box; don’t be one of them! Scorpio, do what you have to add a little more. This will get you noticed and will pay off in the long-run both in your job or business. Put your best foot forward and take an initiative to do the most you can.

Scorpio Horoscope 2018 For Finance

The Scorpio 2018 yearly astrology predictions forecast that you are also likely to pay closer attention to your finances this year. This isn’t because you will lose a lot of money, but just because you will feel safer if you know how much money you actually have. Spend money on things that you need and then move onto things that you want. You may also feel happier spending money on others rather than yourself. This is also a good time for investing or buying stocks.

2018 Health Horoscope For The Scorpion

The 2018 Scorpio zodiac sign forecasts suggest that at the beginning of the year, you are going to be in better shape than you are likely to be in later in the year. Pace yourself when it comes to exercising or dieting so that you do not wear out your body. Your mental energy will stay strong throughout the year; do some mental puzzles to keep your brain strong. Also, don’t forget the health benefits of natural foods and include them in your diet.

2018 Astrology Forecasts For Scorpio Birthdays

2018 for Scorpio will be easier than the past years have been. Take advantage of this! While your career might prove to be difficult or stressful at times, your time off of work should be filled with excitement or relaxation. Forget about work after work hours and focus on the things that really make you happy. If you ignore your desires then your year will be boring and uneventful. If you do what your mind or body crave, then you are bound to have a great year!

Scorpio Monthly Horoscopes

January 2018 is a month of sudden changes for the Scorpio star sign. This is a good month to change your job or start a new business. Concentrate on your career this month.

February 2018 is a month to concentrate on planning for the future and thinking ahead. Do not about your past deeds.

March 2018 asks you to expect support in everything you do from family and colleagues. But that also means that you need to make the first move.

April 2018 is a very sensitive month for the Scorpions. Learn to forgive and move ahead. Let bygones be bygones.

May 2018 will see a strong 7th house which shows chances of falling in love. Finding your life partner might prove to be fruitful this month.

June 2018 is a period of wealth and prosperity, which can come through marriage or business. Keep all your avenues open.

July 2018 is a good time for love, sex, and romance. Here are a few dating tips to impress your date. Enjoy your love life when you are single.

August 2018 shows good career progress but you might also have some problem related to lungs. Breathing exercises will help you out.

September 2018 shows the need for learning new technology for progress after the 2018 Mercury retrograde last month. New skills will help you be a pioneer.

October 2018 is the most spiritual period of 2018 for the Scorpio sun sign. Your intuition and psychic powers will be very accurate. You might even be able to look into the future.

November 2018 is a month to focus on your family. Control your anger and stop losing your temper on small issues. Life is not long enough to be wasted on such trivial issues.

December 2018 will be a happy and positive month. But keep an eye before making any expensive purchases. Make your money last until the last penny.

The 2018 Scorpio horoscope predictions foretell that this will be a happening and relaxing year. Do not let stress get you.


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