Gemstone Meanings

Over the centuries, various cultures have contributed to the legend and lore surrounding gemstones. These rare products of nature have inspired philosophers and mystics to attribute unusual powers to these special minerals.

Ruby - For Good Luck and Good Health

Ruby – For Good Luck and Good Health

The best compendium of gemstone lore is undoubtedly that found in George Frederick Kunz’s book The Curious Lore of Precious Stones, which was published in 1913. But Kunz was no mystic crystal-gazer. Rather he was the leading gemologist of his time and in his role as the resident gem expert at Tiffany & Co. in New York, he helped to shape the modern market for colored stones. He was also instrumental in putting together some of the greatest collections of rare gemstones, including the famous J.P. Morgan-Tiffany collection, which is now displayed at the American Museum of Natural History.

Kunz believed that we can learn a great deal by studying the ways in which medicinal gemstones were used by different cultures and the beliefs that people at different times formed about rare gems. For Kunz this study wasn’t just sociological curiosity, it was a way of learning about gemstones themselves: “Many of these ideas may seem strange enough to us now, and yet when we analyze them we find that they have their roots either in some intrinsic quality of the stones or else in an instinctive appreciation of their symbolic significance”.

The following are a series of beliefs that have been attributed to various types of gemstones over the years.

Actinolite Cat’s Eye

Buy actinolite gemsActinolite is popular for its metaphysical abilities. It is an excellent stone for both physical and spiritual healing and can be used for any of the chakras. It is used for balancing the energies of the heart and is known to produce soothing energies and awareness.


Buy agateAgate is considered a protective stone. It is believed to attract strength and offer protection from bad dreams, stress, and the draining of energy. Agate is said to balance energies and awaken talents.


Buy amazoniteAmazonite is believed to have a soothing and calming effect. It accomplishes this by dispelling negative energy and allowing us to let go of sadness and grief.


Buy natural amethystAmethyst calms the emotions, encourages clarity of thought, and assists in attaining wisdom. Amethyst is a stone of the mind that brings calmness and clarity. Amethyst is said to attune its wearer with intuition, feelings, and values. It has long been regarded as an aid to sobriety and is useful for combating alcohol, food, and other addictions. It is also thought to ease obsessive-compulsive behavior.


Buy apatite from GemSelectApatite is a gemstone of communication. It is believed to help stuttering, hypertension and to assist its wearer in overcoming sadness and grief. Apatite is said to help fight viruses and promote the blending of old with new in one’s life.


Buy natural aquamarine at GemSelectAquamarine is associated with courage and the release of anxiety and fear. It is thought to soothe, calm, alleviate fear, and to help relaxation on long journeys. Many believe that it protects sailors at sea, and prevents seasickness. Tradition holds that it gives insight and promotes mental clarity.


Buy aventurine from GemSelectAventurine is a stone of opportunity that is believed to attract prosperity. Some advice to keep an aventurine in your left pocket when you are buying a lottery ticket or playing any game of chance.

Blue Topaz

Buy blue topaz from GemSelectBlue topaz is associated with courage and overcoming fears and obstacles. It is a traditional stone for writers, scholars, artists, and intellectuals since it is used to encourage higher thinking. It is said to ease mental anguish and promote fidelity, friendship, gentleness, and integrity.


Buy natural chalcedonyChalcedony is considered a sacred stone by Native Americans, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and goodwill. Chalcedony is said to alleviate hostility, irritability, and melancholy.


Buy natural citrineCitrine is said to open the mind to new thoughts and balance impatience and restlessness. Citrine is thought to promote optimism. It also attracts abundance and is known as the “merchant’s stone”; it is often placed where the business is conducted, not only to acquire wealth but to maintain it. It is also good for mental focus, endurance, and self-esteem.


Buy diamonds at GemSelectDiamonds are believed to absorb and amplify the thoughts of its user, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of other gems and their wearers. The ancients also used diamonds for detoxification as it is said to protect from poison.


Buy natural chrome diopsideDiopside is thought to be a cathartic stone that is believed by crystal healers to heal trauma by bringing forth cleansing tears. Diopside is believed to foster creativity, love, and commitment. Diopside gemstones include green chrome diopside, chatoyant star diopside, and the newer diopside discovery, rare tashmarine diopside.


Buy emerald from GemSelectEmerald is a traditional stone, and it is stated that emerald aids fertility, improves eyesight, and gives the wearer psychic powers. It is also believed to lift depression and relieve insomnia. Promotes self-knowledge, peaceful dreams, and encourages balance and patience.


Shop for natural fluorite gemstonesFluorite is thought to balance and stabilize intuition. Regarded as an aid for learning and lateral thinking. Fluorite is believed to improve the ability to concentrate.


Buy garnet gemstones at GemSelectGarnet gemstones are regarded as the stone of passionate devotion; toward family, friends, the self, and purpose in life. Believed to stimulate the senses, and increase vitality and stamina. Garnet is thought to attract good luck in business ventures. Garnet gemstones include almandine garnet, pyrope garnet, color change garnet, demantoid garnet, Mali garnet, Malaya garnet, rhodolite garnet, hessonite garnet, spessartite tsavorite garnet, star garnet, and uvarovite garnet.


Buy natural iolite gemsIolite is said to be the stone of inner vision. Believed to assist one in achieving a higher awareness level. Also thought to be useful for the elimination of debt and to increase financial responsibility.


Buy jade at GemSelectJade is a stone of serenity thought to alleviate anxiety, fear, and to promote good luck. Jade not only brings prosperity but encourages its wearer to hold on to money. A traditional charm for gardeners, jade is said to ensure bountiful harvests. Jade gemstones can include the pure varieties of jadeite and nephrite, as well as jade omphacite, jade-albite, and maw-sit-sit.


Buy natural jasper gemsJasper quartz is a gemstone associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, and consolation. Jasper is said to relieve mental stress and help to achieve balance in life.


Shop for natural kyaniteKyanite is a calming stone; it helps to quiet the mind, dissolving emotional or spiritual confusion. Kyanite is said to be particularly good at dissolving anger and frustration.

Lapis Lazuli

Buy lapis lazuli gems from GemSelectLapis lazuli is an ancient stone said to represent friendship and truth. Blue lapis lazuli gems are believed to help bring about harmony in relationships. It is a stone of wisdom and awareness.


Buy natural moonstonesMoonstone encourages communication by promoting clear thinking, inspiration, and receptivity. It also assists in the fulfillment of one’s destiny. Long regarded as the gemstone for psychic abilities, wish-fulfillment, and balancing the emotions, moonstone is thought to work better on things that are needed rather than things that are just wanted. Moonstone varieties include blue-sheen moonstone, rainbow moonstone (though not a real moonstone), and star moonstone.


Buy onyx gems at GemSelectBlack onyx is said to repel negativity and protect its wearer from the hostility of others. It is a gem thought to enhance determination and perseverance.


Buy opal at GemSelectOpal is regarded as a stone strongly associated with emotions, including love and passion. It is also thought to promote spontaneity, imagination, dreams, and healing. Varieties of opal include black opal, common opal, white opal, chocolate opal, opal-in-matrixAustralian boulder opal, opal doublet, opal triplet, and fire opal.


Buy natural peridot from GemSelectGreen peridot is thought to strengthen life, bring about prosperity, growth, and increase openness. Peridot is also believed to help one understand relationships and to alleviate depression, anger, fear, jealousy, and anxiety.


Buy prehnite gems at GemSelectGreen prehnite is a gem with a mystical aura. Prehnite is said to be the stone of remembered dreams, meditation, and prophecy.

Rose Quartz

Buy natural rose quartzPink rose quartz is known as the stone of “gentle love”, rose quartz brings peace and calm to relationships. Excellent for healing emotional wounds, removing negativity, and restoring harmony after conflict. Promotes appreciation of the arts.


Buy natural ruby gems at GemSelectRed ruby is famous as a protector from misfortune and bad health, ruby is also used to open the heart and promote love. Given as a gift, ruby is a symbol of friendship and love. The ruby is also a symbol of vitality and royalty.

Rutile Quartz

Buy rutile quartzRutile quartz is said to intensify the power of quartz crystal, rutile quartz is thought to assist one in getting to the root of a problem.


Buy natural sapphireSapphire has long associations with peace and happiness and is believed to help with communication, insight, intuition, inspiration, and prayer. The ancients believed that sapphires could help them to predict the future.

Smoky Quartz

Buy smoky quartz from GemSelectBrown smoky quartz is believed to be nature’s stone of endurance, fostering serenity, calmness, and positive thoughts.


Buy natural spinel at GemSelectSince spinel was confused with ruby for centuries, it has not acquired the richness of meaning associated with other important gems. But it is said that spinel is helpful for relaxation and releasing worry. Since spinel is one of the very few singly refractive gems, it has a purity of color that may be the basis for its symbolic meaning.


Buy tanzanite at GemSelectViolet-blue tanzanite is a recently discovered gemstone, said to be connected with the traditions of the Masai tribe, who believe that it has healing properties. The Masai give tanzanite to newborn children since it is thought to represent life.

Tiger’s Eye

Buy tiger's eye at GemSelectGolden brown tiger’s eye is said to help convert anxiety and fear into practical logic and action. It is also believed to promote balance and strength in difficult times and to relieve doubt.


Buy natural topaz from GemSelectTopaz, is thought to calm a bad temper and give strength. It is also said to improve mental clarity, focus, and to increase confidence. Topaz gems are recommended for mood swings, insomnia, worry, fear, depression, and exhaustion.


Buy natural tourmaline from GemSelectTourmaline is said to strengthen both body and spirit. It is believed to attract inspiration, aid concentration, encourage balance, and promote understanding. It is also thought to calm nerves, sooth grief, promote balance, and build self-confidence.


Buy turquoiseBlue and green turquoise are believed to attract money, success, and love. Turquoise is a stone of friendship in many cultures. Native Americans associated the colors of turquoise with the blue sky and the green earth. It is still seen by many today as being symbolic of our roots in nature.


Buy natural zircon gemstones at GemSelectSince the Middle Ages, zircon has been believed to encourage spiritual growth and the promotion of wisdom. It is said that those who wear zircon will find beauty and peace.


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