Benefits of Emerald Gemstone

What Are Emeralds?

An emerald nestled into a knoll of quartz, as discovered in a Zambian mine.
An emerald nestled into a knoll of quartz, as discovered in a Zambian mine. 

Emeralds are mineral compounds, combining silicate of aluminum and beryllium. Their color is either light or deep green. It is very difficult to find a flawless emerald, leading to very high prices for this gemstone.

The best quality emeralds are found in Colombia. Fine emeralds are also found in Zambia, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, and Russia. On the international market, Zambian and Brazilian emeralds are considered nearly as high quality as Colombian emeralds. Zambian emeralds are typically darker colored than Columbian, coming in shades of deep green with good transparency.

Meaning of the Word “Emerald”

According to Indian mythology, the word emerald was first translated from Sanskrit as marakata, or the green of growing things.

The name as we know it now is believed to have come from an ancient Greek word, translated into Latin as smaragdus, and eventually over time corrupted to “emerald.”

Symbolic Meaning of Emeralds

The emerald is the sacred stone of the planet Mercury and has long been considered a symbol of hope. The emerald is said to bring the wearer wisdom. The most effective time for an emerald’s power is the spring.

Emeralds are lucky for love, so if you give your lover an emerald, it may keep them faithful to you.

In a number of cultures, the emerald is said to be beneficial for producing rain.

Wearing an Emerald

The first emerald you wear should not be less than two carats in size. It may be set in either gold or silver.

The first day you wear your emerald ring or pendant should be a Wednesday, at sunrise or two hours following sunrise. That first day, make a donation of money to a Brahmin and feed green vegetables with leaves to a cow.

Astrological Benefits of Emeralds

Emeralds are associated with the planet Mercury, which corresponds to the intellect, speech, memory, short travel, wisdom, and intuitive power. A person who has favorable Mercury in their Indian astrological chart will find emeralds beneficial, especially if they are politicians or orators or if they work in business or public relations.

Emeralds are symbolic of love and generosity. A gift of an emerald will bring good fortune, particularly for Geminis and Virgos. Emeralds support good health, wealth, and happiness, and reduce the possibility of snake bites.

A pregnant woman who wears an emerald will not endure prolonged labor. Emeralds are also said to reduce mental stress and regulate blood circulation.

Health Benefits
Supports Professions
Attributes of Emerald as a Gift
speech and memory problems
Symbol of love
Good luck for Geminis and Virgos
cardiac problems
good health
easy labor for the pregnant woman
protects against snake bites

Professions That Benefit From Emeralds

Wearing emeralds in combination with other stones will enhance outcomes on competitive exams, in trade, and in business. Emeralds also boost intellect, memory, analytical, and intellectual power.

Emeralds will benefit people who are writers, politicians, spiritual leaders, musicians, founders of educational institutions, public speakers, judges, government officers, architects, auditors, shippers, bankers, and financiers.

In business-related areas, commission agents, publishers, and professionals in the textile field can benefit from an emerald’s powers. These stones may help people who run travel agencies or other commission-related business that require no capital to start.

Emerald is very helpful to those who are in the field of medicine, especially those who specialize in the brain, eyes, ears, and general medicine, or those associated with CT scans, MRIs, and pediatrics.

People in the IT sector, the nuclear field, and astronomy will also benefit from this stone.

Mantra to Boost Emerald’s Benefits

Emerald rings should be washed with fresh milk in the morning. After touching your ring to the feet of your family deity, recite the following mantra and put your ring on your right little finger.

Priyangu-kalika Shyamam roopena-pratimam Budham!

Soumyam soumya guno-petam tam Budham pran-maamya-ham!!

Care and Cleaning of Emeralds

Protect your emerald’s exposed points by avoiding impact with other objects. Clean the stone with warm water, detergent, and a soft brush. Store separately from other jewelry and gemstones, and never put an emerald through a steam cleaning machine.

Emeralds for Birthdays or Anniversaries

Emeralds are the birthstone for the month of May.

There is a gemstone for every year of married life as well. Emeralds are considered significant for wedding anniversaries including the 20th, 35th, and 55th.


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