The Meaning of Moonstone and How to Use It With Feng Shui

trio of moonstone crystals

The Spruce / Kara Riley 

The opalescent moonstone is a natural crystal mineral with the energy of the moon. The moon embodies yin feminine energy. Similarly, this stone promotes healing, balance and enhances your intuition.


  • Place moonstone near the bed, or under the abdomen (underneath the mattress) to improve difficult reproductive, hormonal and fertility issues.
  • A piece of moonstone near the bed, or under the heart (underneath the mattress) to balance or increase feminine emotions, and invite receptivity.
  • Find the bagua position for Relationships (Kun) in the bedroom. Locate a piece of moonstone here for balance, insight, healing and self-care.
  • Using the bagua, place moonstone in the Health area (center, Tai Qi) or Kun area of your entire home to enhance balance, healing, and reduce stress.
  • Moonstone in the office or workspace activates creativity in our careers.

Cleansing and Charging Crystals

It’s a good idea to regularly clean and charge your crystals, as you would any other objects in your home.


For moonstone, we recommend charging this crystal under the moonlight. It’s especially effective to charge moonstone on the full moon or new moon.


There are many ways to cleanse a crystal, here are some recommendations:

  • Soak the crystal in water with sea salt at least overnight. Use approximately 3 tablespoons of salt for every cup of water.
  • Visualize white moonlight surrounding the crystal, with the intention that the moonstone will be cleared of any negative energy.
  • Smudge the moonstone with sage, palo santo, or other smudge stick.




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