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One of the most unique gemstones available, alexandrite is known for its ability to change color when viewed under different light sources. Known for being an emerald by day and ruby by night, alexandrite transitions from day to night, making it a versatile gemstone to have in your collection.
Alexandrite is extremely rare and can be very valuable. For those lucky enough to own one, alexandrite is a genuinely eye-catching gemstone.
Let’s take a look at what makes alexandrite an excellent jewelry choice in this guide to alexandrite.
Alexandrite History – A Rare Stone
The alexandrite stone was named after Tsar Alexander II of Russia, where it was first discovered in the Ural Mountains. Discovering that the stone had the special ability to change colors depending on the kind of illumination it is exposed to, green in sunlight and red in the lamplight, the stone became the national stone of tsarist Russia whose military colors were green and red.
Around the end of the 1900’s alexandrite deposits in Russia were almost exhausted, which made the stone very rare and precious. It had become one of the most prized gems amongst the Russian royalty.
Later on, deposits were found in Brazil and Sri Lanka, and as a result, alexandrite grew popular globally. Alexandrites were found again in more deposits in Brazil, Tanzania, and Mozambique. They were highly valued because they had become very rare.
What Causes Alexandrite’s Color Changing Properties?
Alexandrite ring viewed in daylight.
Alexandrite is the most popular member of the family chrysoberyl, an aluminate of beryl. The chemistry of an alexandrite crystal is quite simple. While normal yellow or green chrysoberyls absorb little to no light, alexandrites tend to absorb light due to its crystalline structure. A tiny number of crystals in alexandrites are replaced by chromium ions and it is this feature that intensifies the alexandrite absorption of the yellow light.
This small hint of chromium allows alexandrite to reflect either green or red light. The stone’s visible color will vary depending on how it is perceived by the human eye in a phenomenon known as the Alexandrite Effect. This occurs when the stone changes color from greenish to reddish.
Here is an interesting scientific fact. Rather than a chemical reaction in the chromium compound, it is the physiological reaction in the human vision that causes the perceived color to change. In daylight, the light is balanced, meaning the full spectrum of visible light is present. Since the human eye is more sensitive to green light, our vision responds to the green spectrum more and sees the stone as green under daylight. However, in man-made light such as that of a lamplight emitting less green and blue, the red color becomes more visible.
Evaluating Alexandrite Clarity
It’s critical to evaluate the clarity of your alexandrite to ensure that there are no visible inclusions in the stone. Generally, if a gemstone is less included it is more valuable. However, there those rare exceptions such as that of a morganite gemstone where the inclusions can actually raise the value of the stone.
For alexandrite gems, clarity matters less than the effect of its color (which we will discuss in detail below). What makes these stones valuable is their ability to change color. So, an alexandrite that has a 100 percent change from green to red is more valuable than an eye-clean piece with only slight color change. While clarity is important, it takes second place to color.
Evaluating Alexandrite Cut
As with any gemstone exhibiting pleochroism, alexandrites pose a challenge to cutters. They have to ensure that both colors of the stone will appear face up when illuminated.
Alexandrites are typically cut into shapes known as mixed-cuts. These contain brilliant-cut crowns and step-cut pavilions. For stones that are highly included, the cat’s eye cabochon makes for a good cut. This type of cut exhibits the alexandrite’s beautiful reflection of the light coming from the cat’s eye effect.
Alexandrite Carat Weight
As mentioned above, alexandrites are very rare since there are only limited deposits in the world. The largest known Alexandrite originated from Sri Lanka and weighs about 65.7 carats!
But usually, alexandrite jewelry doesn’t weigh more than 1 carat.
If you want to purchase an alexandrite but are on a budget, there are two ways to go about it. First, you can purchase a heavier, larger alexandrite with less color change. That way you have the size but not so much the magical Alexandrite Effect. Second, you can go for a smaller one that exhibits a larger scale of color difference, compromising size for color change.
But if you are going to purchase an alexandrite, you must remember that its distinct quality is always the color change.
Evaluating Alexandrite Color
It goes without saying that the most unique and important attribute of alexandrite is its color. As a rule of thumb, the higher the saturation of a colored stone, the higher the value.
An alexandrite ring that displays an excellent color change
However, in terms of alexandrites, it’s not just the saturation or tone and hue that affects the value. It is also the extent of the color change. The stronger the dual colors are, the more valuable the stone becomes.
It is important that you identify whether your stone is just a color-changing chrysoberyl or a true alexandrite. The table below from shows the accepted color ranges for a chrysoberyl to be classified as an alexandrite. Note that the capital letters in the color description point out the dominant color of the colors listed. Other colors, especially yellow, may fall just under color-changing chrysoberyl.
Daylight (Sunlight)
Incandescent light
blue Green
orange Red
very slightly blue Green
slightly purple Red
slightly Green
Purple Red
yellow Green
Red-purple or Purple red
If your stone exhibits any of the two corresponding colors in the table, then it probably is an alexandrite and not merely a color-changing chrysoberyl.
How Does Color Affect the Value of My Alexandrite?
To know how much your alexandrite is worth, consider these two factors: color change and color value. A stone’s color may appear rich but may not change much. For example, a brownish-green stone may change by only 50% to reddish-brown. Alexandrite like this yield less value than that of a less saturated stone, say a medium green color that has a 100% color change to a medium red. The higher the percentage of change, the higher the value, and the closer the colors are too pure green/pure red, the more valuable the stone becomes.
Pure greens/reds are more valuable since these can exhibit higher color contrast. The most valued stones would be the richly colored pure green/pure red pieces with 100% color change.
Synthetic (Lab-Created) Alexandrite
Alexandrite falls among the rarest and most valuable precious stones and prices can be exorbitant for natural, high-quality stones. If like most of us, you’re on a budget, a good alternative is a synthetic alexandrite. True synthetic alexandrite is made of chrysoberyl crystal and grown commonly by the method called pulling.
Gorgeous synthetic alexandrite ring
While synthetic stones are artificially grown, they still contain the same chemical makeup and crystal structure as the original stone. So, in other words, these are not FAKE stones. They are merely grown in a lab by humans. They are every bit as real as a mined alexandrite.
If buying a synthetic be aware that there are vendors who may try to sell synthetic corundum (sapphire) as a synthetic Alexandrite. Bearing in mind that even synthetic alexandrite is expensive, vendors can try to hoodwink customers to make that extra profit. Always make sure that you’re buying from reputable vendors.
Alexandrite Imitations to Watch Out For
Alexandrite imitations are called stimulants and are different from lab-created alexandrite.
These are just look-alikes. They may look like the original thing but actually contain a different chemistry and crystal structure. The cheapest simulants are made of glass or plastic and are generally easy to detect.
You can also find a “simulated” alexandrite variety that is actually made of corundum (sapphire) rather than chrysoberyl and infused with trace elements of vanadium that creates the color change effect. Synthetic sapphires usually change from a bright purple to mauve. Such stones are easy to identify because there is hardly any green in the crystal. You can make sure by having the stones tested in a gem lab where traces of vanadium can be detected and will show the refractive index of corundum (1.759-1.778) rather than chrysoberyl (1.741-1.760).
Other color-changing gemstones existing in the market are color garnets, color change diaspore, and rough andalusite. Although such stones are not imitations, they are often mistaken for the much more expensive alexandrite.
Color garnets, from the garnet family, can change from bronze under sunlight to light pink under incandescent light. Color-change diaspore, made up of aluminum oxide hydroxide, can change from yellowish green under natural light to pink or light orange under incandescent light.
Andalusite ring with green and orange tints
The most interesting of them is the rough andalusite, which is also known as poor man’s alexandrite because it’s color shifts can range from yellow, green, and red. But rather than a change in illumination, it is the viewing angle or the orientation of the crystal that causes the change in the stone’s color.
Alexandrite Rings
Alexandrites make beautiful and classy rings. Although your stone may be small, it will still stand out and be eye-catching due to its play with light and color. Below are some types of Alexandrite rings.
Alexandrite Engagement Rings
Alexandrite is a unique and stunning stone and takes center stage with pride. The hints of green and purple complement an array of colors, meaning that your ring will suit any outfit you wear. While alexandrite goes well with any metal color, white gold (or white gold colored metals such as palladium, platinum or silver) makes for a modern, classy look. For a more vintage and period look, choose rose gold or yellow gold.
Alexandrite Claddagh Rings
Claddagh rings are a perfect gift for a loved one, whether it be a promise ring or an engagement ring. This is a traditional Celtic design were two hands combine to hold a heart on which rests a crown. The hands represent friendship, the heart symbolizes love and the crown stands for loyalty. What better way to express your feelings than with this meaning-packed symbol. And how much better when the center heart is an Alexandrite!
Alexandrite Birthstone Rings
Alexandrite is the birthstone for June (it shares this honor with pearls). If you are a June baby, you might want to consider an alexandrite birthstone ring.
Alexandrite Anniversary Rings
Alexandrite eternity ring
If you are one of those very few lucky people who are celebrating the 55th year of marriage, Alexandrite is the gemstone that represents that special milestone. There are unique settings that go beautifully with alexandrite, giving you endless options. As a gemstone that looks great on everyone, there is a wide range of masculine and stately alexandrite rings available on the market for men and you will be sure to find one that suits your taste.
Other Alexandrite Jewelry
Because of its gorgeous color changing properties and elegant look, alexandrite is highly coveted in jewelry. Modern alexandrite jewelry typically features small stones of about 1 carat (due to the scarcity of the stone), while period jewelry generally contains larger stones. Because they are durable and very hard stones, they are perfect for everyday wear.
Alexandrite Earrings
A great way to showcase your alexandrite is through a classy pair of earrings. Because of its green/purple tints, even simple studs are eye-catching and dressy. You can find beautifully crafted stud earrings that go well with casual or office wear. For a dressier look, choose dangle earrings to add that extra touch of elegance.
Alexandrite Necklaces
Natural alexandrite pendant
Because it is rare to find large alexandrite stones, they aren’t a good option if you want to wear a large statement pendant. However, for a classical, quieter look, alexandrite pendants are ideal. Again, the metal color you choose will affect the overall look of the stone. White gold alexandrite pendants are modern and chic while yellow or rose gold pendants show a stronger contrast with the gemstone.
Taking Care of Alexandrite Jewelry
Taking care of a gemstone usually depends on the degree and frequency of cleaning it can endure. Alexandrite is located at 8.5 on Moh’s Scale of Hardness among the hardest precious rocks so it is suitable for daily wear. Just make sure to polish it to remove dust and any residue on the surface that can affect its luster.
When your alexandrite jewelry is dirty, simply using soap, warm water, and a soft brush or soft cloth to wash it is enough to restore its luster. Wash it gently and make sure to rinse the soap away properly. Because of their hardness, they are safe to be used in ultrasonic cleaners. Also, avoid exposure to bleach or other harsh chemicals and doing strenuous activities while wearing the stone.
While there is no special care required for alexandrite stones, storage might be a problem as softer stones may be easily scratched or scraped by the alexandrite. Make sure to wrap your alexandrite with a soft cloth before storing and keep it away from less durable gemstones.
Alexandrite Symbolism and Meaning
Because of the alexandrite’s ability to change from green to red, it is often associated with balance. It is believed that an alexandrite allows interaction between the physical world (green) and the spiritual world (red), from which its healing powers come.
By bridging the gap between a person’s body and spirit, it is believed the alexandrite can alter the flow of chakra in the wearer’s body to give room for strength, peace, and self-confidence. This is best for people who are in or have come from surgery, neurological disorders, and coma where the person’s mind is believed to be detached from the body.
In ancient Russia, from where the first alexandrite stone was discovered, it is believed that alexandrite brings good fortune and romance, the balance of joy from tangible and intangible things. It allows you to appreciate the world around you while reminding you of your purpose in the world.