Yearly Horoscope 2020 Predictions: Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

Wouldn’t you be interested in knowing what the year 2020 has in store for you in terms of love, sex, money, family, career, and health? If that is the case, then you have come to the right place.

The 2020 horoscope gives you deep insight into how the year will turn out for the 12 star signs. It is not necessary that if you have not been fortunate in 2019, you will have a bad 2020 too. There are different life periods in one’s life that are ruled by your stars and planets in your natal chart.

The horoscope 2020 predictions warn you about the auspicious and inauspicious happenings of the coming New Year. This prepares you to be ready for the future and at the same time, have the strength to overcome all obstacles that stand in your way.

The 2020 astrology forecasts that the coming year will be a refreshing year for the 12 star signs. This is a year of new opportunities and chances. Your success this year depends on the choices you make.

You may relate to a different element from what your Sun Sign / Zodiac Sign element is. Take this in-depth four elements personality quiz to understand it.

Overall, 2020 will be a promising year, which will be filled with prosperity and happiness.

Take a look at the overview of the free horoscope 2020 predictions right away!

Aries 2020 Horoscope – A Look at the Year Ahead

Aries horoscope 2020 foretells that it should be pretty calm this year. For the most part, things will be steady. Significant changes can come, but only if you are the one who makes them. Little changes will come on their own. You will need to act if you want to make your year more exciting.

You would be an Aries personality if you were born from March 20th to April 20th. Aries are adventurous and enthusiastic people. Aries people love to love, and they make great platonic friends as well. You will never be bored when you are with an Aries person, and an Aries person is never likely to have a boring year.

aries 2020

Aries 2020 Love Predictions

Aries 2020 love predictions suggest your love life will also stabilize this year. In past years, your romances may have been crazy or traumatic in the past, but this year things will be better for you and your partner. You can make things easier for your relationships, romantic or not if you remember to think before you speak. Acting impulsively will only get you in trouble this year. So make sure that you put a lot of thought into everything that you do especially during the 2020 Mercury retrograde.

If you are a single Aries, then you may want to consider going out with one of your friends. It could happen. Romances have been found in strange places. You will be happiest if you date someone who you have a lot in common with this year. When you are with your family, you should also try to restrain from being too impulsive in 2020. You need to listen to what your family needs from you. And in turn, they will listen to what you need from them. It’s a very give and take a year for relationships; you get what you put into them.

Aries Career Prospects For 2020

The horoscope 2020 forecasts your career will also be more stable this year. You can slowly climb the ladder to success this year, but it will take a lot of hard work. Once the beginning of the year hits, you will begin to feel more productive in your job. This will help you to get more things done at work. This feeling should last a while, at least until autumn. You may get bored and want to change your job this year.

This might be a time to spend more time on your more artistic hobbies. Your hobbies may even give way to a job if you look hard enough for one. Changes will come in your career this year, and it’s up to you with changes you make. Make sure to make friends with your boss no matter where you work. It will help you to get ahead.

Aries Finance 2020 Forecasts

Aries, you will have the cash to pay for all of your bills and essentials in 2020. And, you will have a little bit of spending cash. Try to spend your spare cash on things that will make you money, or you can save your money as well.

Health Horoscope For The Ram

The Aries 2020 horoscope foretells that you will also feel better physically and mentally if you spend more time outdoors or with your friends than on your phone or staring at some other kind of screen. Your energy levels will have their ups and downs in 2020. The more good things you do, and the less drama that you get yourself into, the more energy that you will have. Read more about Aries Fitness.

2020 Forecasts For Aries Birthdays

This year you will find more balance in your life. You will strive to make your life simpler, but this doesn’t mean that 2020 will be less attractive than in past years. You are likely to be more realistic this year, more focused, and more ambitious. Changes will occur every day to make your life more exciting and dynamic in 2020.

Aries 2020 Monthly Horoscopes

Let’s take a look at the yearly Aries horoscope 2020 month wise.

January 2020 will be an excellent time for the Arians to start a new venture.

February 2020 is an excellent month to build professional and personal relationships.

March 2020 will be a motivating month, and you will have the energy to do the most difficult tasks.

April 2020 is the best time to use your energy for constructive ideas.

May 2020 is when you have to be careful not to get involved in ambitious projects.

June 2020 is the period when you need to be persistent and have the patience for the tough times to pass.

July 2020 is the month when helping others will bring you joy and happiness.

August 2020 might bring some confusion in different aspects of your life.

September 2020 brings with it interest in spiritual awakening for the Aries zodiac sign.

October 2020 is when you will be busy with multiple things happening in your life.

November 2020 is a month when you will need to go slow so that you don’t incur losses.

December 2020 will be a good month for the Aries, and you will feel good for helping others too.

To Conclude

Aries yearly 2020 horoscope predicts that it’s all up to you when it comes to how you live your life this year. The more new things that you try and new people you meet, the more fun you will have this year. So go out, and do whatever you need to do to be happy in 2020.

Taurus 2020 Horoscope – A Look at the Year Ahead

Taurus horoscope 2020 predicts that you will want to get back into the swing of things. Last year you were likely to have to deal with many changes. And, this year you are likely to want to get your life back to where it usually is. Your year is likely to be steady so long as you learn how to pace yourself. You will have to consider many things this year when it comes to making changes. This may make it hard to stay focused, but you need to try your hardest.

Taurus zodiac people are born between April 21st and May 21st. Taurus people are generally kind-hearted and friendly. They care deeply about other people, but they also care about their advancement. They will work hard to accomplish their goals, and they will have to as they are extremely ambitious people. At times, they can get jealous and stubborn, but who doesn’t. These traits will help to mold the Taurus person’s horoscope for 2020 and the changes that they make during the year. Let us find out if 2020 good for Taurus?

taurus horoscope 2020

Taurus 2020 Love Predictions

Taurus 2020 love forecasts suggest your love life will stabilize this year. You will find harmony with yourself and your partner in 2020. This year is a good time to find out whatever it is that you want out of your relationship. While you may not feel comfortable making changes in your relationship, but it will help in the long run. There will be more subtle changes this year than large ones. If you are single, then this might be a good time to work on your romantic skills. Having a charming attitude and a pleasant disposition can get you far with anyone. Here are tips to dating a Taurus.

Taurus Career Prospects For 2020

Astrology predictions 2020 for Taurus predict that you will need to act especially professionally this year if you want to succeed. You’ll be busy. You will be pretty booked all year. This is great if you have your own business, but it can also be stressful at times. It would be ideal if you had a job where you got to think creatively. There is room for creative thinking in nearly every job. So try to find out where you can use your creative thinking at work.

Taurus Finance 2020 Forecasts

Taurus, while you may not want to think about last year, it is sure to affect your finances this year. Try to repair any damage you may have made last year before you treat yourself this year especially during the 2020 Mercury retrograde.

Health Horoscope For The Bull

Make sure that you make the right choices, even if it takes a while for you to make them. You will also need to work hard to manage your time and money. Managing your health this year is also important, Taurus. Try to get some exercise routine going and try to eat a balanced diet so that you can stay as healthy as possible.

2020 Forecasts For Taurus Birthdays

This year the bull people are likely to be busy and a bit confused about what they should do to make their year as great as possible. You should try to improve yourself this year. When you don’t know what to do, ask a friend.

Taurus 2020 Monthly Horoscopes

Let’s take a look at the yearly Taurus horoscope 2020 month wise.

January 2020is when the Taurus sun sign needs to be careful on the health front.

February 2020will require that you have patience on the personal as well as professional fronts.

March 2020will see an improvement in finances and monetary holdings.

April 2020will be spent on improving your business and career prospects. The family will be on the backburner.

May 2020 is an auspicious month for travel and financial blessings.

June 2020 will come with good health and new opportunities for the Taureans.

July 2020 is a good month to pursue a new skill and develop your chances of procuring a better job.

August 2020 will see you come into some money from unexpected sources.

September 2020 will be an ideal month to be spent with friends and family.

October 2020 is the period when people who have wronged you will have to bear the consequences.

November 2020 is a time for new beginnings. You will be blessed with good luck and happiness.

December 2020 is a good time to enjoy yourself and go on a long vacation with your loved ones.

To Conclude

Taurus horoscope 2020 predicts that your friends and family are always there to help. Be busy while at work, but relax when you get home. Spend your time doing things that you love, and you will have a wonderful year!

Gemini 2020 Horoscope – A Look at the Year Ahead

Gemini horoscope 2020 predicts that this year is a fresh beginning for you. If things are seeming dull for you, then try something new. If things are too fast-paced for you, then quite a few things and try to make your life more routine. Do the things that you love, and don’t compromise for anyone else. 2020 is your year, so do whatever you need to do to make it great! Find out if 2020 is good for the Gemini zodiac sign.

Geminis are born between May 22nd and June 21st. Geminis are often misunderstood because of their dual nature. They can often seem like two people in one; this is probably why the symbol of the twins represents this sign.

Gemini personality do have some good traits, though. They are usually intelligent and creative. They love making new friends, and they are pretty good at keeping them. Geminis can be hard to get used to. But once you are used to them, they can bring you a lot of joy. Friends will help shape your year and horoscope for 2020.

gemini horoscope 2020

Gemini 2020 Love Predictions

Gemini, this year your romantic life is bound to become more intense. Things may have been boring for you last year, but this is a great year to spice things up with your partner finally. However, this doesn’t mean that you will be delighted in a sex-based relationship. You will need love and compassion to be truly happy in a romantic relationship. You may get bored sometimes, but that’s your cue to try something new. Try to avoid arguing over small things during the 2020 Mercury retrograde period.

Will Gemini get married in 2020? That is a good question! Don’t expect too much of your partner, and try to talk things out when you have problems. When it comes to friendly relationships, you may be a bit distracted since you are likely to be more focused on your romantic life. Remember your friends this year; you don’t want to lose them in future years. Make sure to spend time with them often to keep your bonds strong.

Gemini Career Prospects For 2020

Gemini 2020 astrology forecasts that this year at work you will do your best if you are working alone. While it is important to build relationships with your coworkers and bosses, sometimes it’s just best to have some quiet time and a personal place to get some work done. More will be expected of you at work this year. You are likely to work very hard and at a fast pace. Even though stress is likely to haunt you, try to act favorably. This will make you stand out–in a good way–to your employer.

Gemini Finance 2020 Forecasts

This year in 2020 you probably won’t worry about money all that much. You should have enough to get by, and a little extra to spend on fun stuff. Gemini zodiac people should not get too worked up about their finances. Just try to keep them balanced.

Health Horoscope For The Twins

Gemini, you will need to work extra hard if you want to stay in shape or be healthy in general. If you are trying to lose weight, then you should exercise more and eat some fiber-rich foods. Try to rest your mind as well. You should work out your brain. But make sure to give it a rest every once in a while to keep your mental health at its peak

2020 Forecasts For Gemini Birthdays

This year Gemini, you will need to focus more on improving yourself, your relationship, and your job. Your hobbies will bring you some joy, as well as the people whom you care about.

Gemini 2020 Monthly Horoscopes

Let’s take a look at the yearly Gemini horoscope 2020 month wise.

January 2020 is a time for you to contemplate on your next move and concentrate more on education.

February 2020 is an excellent month for intellectual pursuits.

March 2020 might be a tough time for you to stay silent when you see something wrong happening.

April 2020 is a good month to improve your relations with your friends and family.

May 2020 will be a passionate and emotional month for the Twins. Practising meditation will be beneficial.

June 2020 is an energetic month when you will want to do something new.

July 2020 is the right time to plan for the future. Be it a new career or relationships, this is a good month to think about it.

August 2020 will be a month of professional upheaval. Difficult times might come in front of you.

September 2020 is when you should communicate better with your loved ones and colleagues.

October 2020 is a month when you will need to make important decisions that might change your future.

November 2020 is when you will enjoy helping people out which will give you mental peace.

December 2020 will be a busy month. Forces will pull you in different directions.

To Conclude

Gemini horoscope 2020 foretells that sometimes your life may prove to be difficult, but it’s nothing that you won’t be able to manage. Try to enjoy this year and make the most of it!

Cancer 2020 Horoscope – A Look at the Year Ahead

Cancer horoscope 2020 predicts that this year you will learn a lot about yourself by watching what other people do. You may observe children who remind you of what you were like when you were young. You might see lovers who inspire you to find that kind of love in your own life. Or you might notice a busy coworker who you aspire to be like. These are just a few examples of the things that may inspire change in your life in 2020.

You would be a Cancer zodiac sign if you were born between June 22nd and July 22nd. The fourth sign in the western zodiac, Cancer has many good and bad traits. Cancer people tend to be highly in touch with their emotions; most of their personality is based on this trait. They can be loving, but jealous. They can be intelligentquick, and imaginative, but they can also be stubborn. Cancer people are cautious about whatever they may do, and they are not fond of change. However, there is going to be some change for you in 2020. Read your horoscope for 2020 to find out how good it will be.

cancer horoscope 2020

Cancer 2020 Love Predictions

Cancer love forecasts that in 2020 you are likely to find harmony within your romantic relationships. You will also feel more romantic in general, which your partner is likely to appreciate. If you are currently a single Cancerian, then this is also a great year to try to find love. Before you look for a new partner you need to take some time to figure out what it is that you want out of a relationship. Once you figure this out, start looking! You are more likely to find love with someone who you have more in common with than who differs a lot from you. Maybe you can even find romance with a friend? Will the Cancer get married in 2020? Let’s find out!

Cancer Career Prospects For 2020

This year there is likely to be conflict at the workplace for the Cance predicts the 2020 horoscope. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be fighting with someone. You are likely to compete with someone, though. You will need to work harder and be more confident than your coworkers if you want to get ahead in 2020. Nothing bad is likely to happen if you don’t rise to the challenge, but only good things will come if you do. Making personal goals at work is a great way to motivate yourself to do this.

Cancer Finance 2020 Forecasts

Cancer, you are also likely to have good luck in your finances this year. You should have enough money to pay for all of the necessities and some to save as well! Working on a hobby that makes money is also a good way to get some extra pocket money.

Health Horoscope For The Crab

Cancer 2020 astrology predicts that this year your energy levels will vary, but you should still try to work out often. The greatest thing that could cause you illness this year is inactivity. Inactivity could also slow your metabolism or cause other health problems during the 2020 Mercury retrograde. Try to adapt to a new exercise routine or diet this year.

2020 Forecasts For Cancer Birthdays

Like any year, 2020 has opportunities for change for the Cancerians within it. However, you are the ones that need to make these changes. You can choose to pass up these opportunities and your year is likely to end the same way that it started.

Cancer 2020 Monthly Horoscopes

Let’s take a look at the yearly Cancer horoscope 2020 month wise.

January 2020will be a month of questions and confusion for the crabs.

February 2020is a period when you need to be careful of what’s happening around you.

March 2020is a good time for students to pursue higher education.

April 2020will be an emotional month for the Cancerians.

May 2020 is an excellent time to focus your energy on jobs that need your attention.

June 2020 will be filled with new opportunities that will work in your favor.

July 2020 is your birthday month when you will be happy in all aspects of your life.

August 2020 is an auspicious month to start the new project that you have been working on for so many months.

September 2020 is when you should be prepared to face all obstacles that come in your path.

October 2020 is a favorable month when you will fall into new relationships.

November 2020 is a period when you need to think twice before making any major decision.

December 2020 is a beneficial period for love and romance.

To Conclude

Cancer 2020 horoscope predicts that if you want to improve your life and lives of people around you, then it’s a good idea to take these opportunities. Be brave. Change may be scary, but your horoscope for 2020 predicts that most changes this year are for the better.

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